Best Hotel, Deals and Offers in Thekkady Resort

Packages at Niraamaya Retreats Cardamom Club, Thekkady




Switch off, destress and reconnect with yourself. Travelling solo is a quest to discover oneself and provides an opportunity to try new things.


Embark on an unforgettable journey to Thekkady, where the lush greenery of the Western Ghats meets the exotic wildlife of Kerala. 

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Looking for a serene and scenic summer getaway? Look no further than Niraamaya Retreats Cardamom Club! Indulge in pure tranquillity amidst the lush beauty of nature. And the best part? You can save up to 30% on your stay! Plus, kids under 11 stay for free, making this the ultimate family vacation destination. Book now and make this summer one to remember with Niraamaya!

Niraamaya Spa

Every Niraamaya experience endeavours to be an intimate introduction to a world of conscious well-being. The award-winning Niraamaya spa offers International and traditional Ayurveda therapies, Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama. The focus is on working jointly with guests to align their lifestyle towards balanced overall well-being and a state of wellness and peace.